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Version: 1.1.3


class great_expectations.render.RenderedTableContent(table: list[RenderedContent], header: Optional[Union[RenderedContent, dict]] = None, subheader: Optional[Union[RenderedContent, dict]] = None, header_row: Optional[list[RenderedContent]] = None, styling: Optional[dict] = None, content_block_type: str = 'table', table_options: Optional[dict] = None, header_row_options: Optional[dict] = None)#

RenderedTableContent is RenderedComponentContent that is a table.

  • table – The table to be rendered.

  • header – The header for this content block.

  • subheader – The subheader for this content block.

  • header_row – The header row for the table.

  • styling – A dictionary containing styling information.

  • content_block_type – The type of content block.

  • table_options

    The options that can be set for the table.

    search: A boolean indicating whether to include search with the table.

    icon-size: The size of the icons in the table. One of “sm”, “md”, or “lg”.

  • header_row_options

    The options that can be set for the header_row. A dictionary with the keys being the column name and the values being a dictionary with the following form:

    sortable: A boolean indicating whether the column is sortable.

to_json_dict() dict[str, JSONValues]#

Returns a JSON-serializable dict representation of this RenderedTableContent.


A JSON-serializable dict representation of this RenderedTableContent.