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Version: 1.3.5

Connect GX Cloud to Databricks SQL


Connect to a Databricks SQL Data Source and add a Data Asset

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets > New Data Asset > New Data Source > Databricks SQL.

  2. Enter a meaningful name for the Data Source in the Data Source name field.

  3. Enter a connection string in the Connection string field. The connection string format is:

    Databricks SQL connection string

    If you created a separate Databricks SQL service principal for your GX Cloud connection as recommended above, use those credentials in the connection string.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. Select one or more tables to import as Data Assets.

  6. Decide if you want to Generate Expectations that detect column changes in selected Data Assets.

  7. Click Add x Asset(s).

  8. Add an Expectation. See Add an Expectation.