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Contribute to Great Expectations documentation

This repository contains all the source files used to create Great Expectations documentation. Use the information here to complete the following:

To submit a code change to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_CODE in the great_expectations repository.

To create and submit a custom Expectation to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_EXPECTATIONS in the great_expectations repository.

To submit a custom package to Great Expectations for consideration, see CONTRIBUTING_PACKAGES in the great_expectations repository.

Request a documentation change

If you’ve noticed an issue in the documentation, or have recommendations for improving the content, you can submit your request as a GitHub issue in this repository. To avoid forking the repository, Great Expectations recommends using the GitHub Markdown editor to edit documentation.

  1. Go to the topic file in the GitHub Great Expectations docs repository you want to edit.

    The topic URL includes the topic file name. For example, the URL for the Great Expectations Quickstart is The URL indicates the topic is located in the tutorials folder, and it's named quickstart.

  2. Click the file and then click Edit this file.

  3. Add your edits.

  4. Optional. Click the Preview tab to preview your changes.

  5. When you’ve completed your edits, scroll down to the Propose changes section and add a meaningful commit message and an explanation of what you changed and why. To help identify the type of issue you’re submitting, add the [DOCS] identifier to the pull request (PR). For example, [DOCS] Update Version Reference.

  6. Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request. Accept the default name for the branch, or enter a new one.

  7. Click Propose changes.

    If this is your first Great Expectations documentation contribution, you'll be prompted to complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). Complete the CLA and add @cla-bot check as a comment to the pull request (PR) to indicate that you’ve completed it.

  8. Wait for the Continuous Integration (CI) checks to complete and then correct any syntax or formatting issues.

    A Great Expectations team member reviews, approves, and merges your PR. Depending on your GitHub notification settings, you'll be notified when there are comments or when your changes are successfully merged.

Create a how-to guide

The objective of a how-to guide is to help users successfully replicate a specific process. You should include important information about how Great Expectations functions with other applications if it isn't obvious or documented elsewhere.

When you create your how-to guide, you can make the following assumptions:

  • The user has a working deployment of Great Expectations.

  • The user is already familiar with Great Expectations core concepts including Expectations, Data Contexts, Validation, and Data Sources.

  • The user is familiar with the application being integrated with Great Expectations. For example, if you’re creating a how-to for configuring a Snowflake Data Source, you don’t need to provide a detailed explanation of Snowflake or its core concepts.

Fork and clone the Great Expectations repository

  1. Open a browser and go to the Great Expectations repository.

  2. Click Fork and then Create Fork.

  3. Click Code and then select the HTTPS or SSH tabs.

  4. Copy the URL, open a Git terminal, and then run the following command:

    git clone <url>
  5. Run the following command to specify a new remote upstream repository that will be synced with the fork:

    git remote add upstream
  6. Run the following command to create a branch for your changes:

    git checkout -b <how-to-branch-name>

Add content to your how-to guide

  1. Copy the how_to_template in the templates folder.

  2. Rename the how_to_template using underscores as delimiters. For example, use_great_expectations_with_airflow. It's not necessary to include how-to in the filename. Keep your how-to in the templates folder.

  3. Add content to your how-to using the instructions provided in the template.

Submit a pull request

  1. Push your changes to the remote fork of your repository.

  2. Create a pull request from your fork. See Creating a pull request from a fork.

  3. Add a meaningful title and description for your pull request (PR). Add the [HOW-TO] identifier to the PR title. The description should include the purpose of your how-to and why it is necessary. For example, [HOW-TO] Contribute to Great Expectations Documentation.

  4. If this is your first Great Expectations contribution, you'll be prompted to complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). Complete the CLA and add @cla-bot check as a comment to the PR to indicate that you’ve completed it.

  5. Wait for the Continuous Integration (CI) checks to complete and then correct any syntax or formatting issues.

    A Great Expectations team member reviews, approves, and merges your PR. Depending on your GitHub notification settings, you'll be notified when there are comments, your input is required, or when your changes are successfully merged.

Create an integration guide

The objective of an integrations guide is to help users successfully integrate an application with Great Expectations.

Contact the Great Expectations Developer Relations team

Before you create your integration guide, notify the Great Expectations Developer Relations team of your plans in the Great Expectations #integrations Slack channel. A member of the team will discuss your requirements and support you through the review and publication process.

Fork and clone the Great Expectations repository

  1. Open a browser and go to the Great Expectations repository.

  2. Click Fork and then Create Fork.

  3. Click Code and then select the HTTPS or SSH tabs.

  4. Copy the URL, open a Git terminal, and then run the following command:

    git clone <url>
  5. Run the following command to specify a new remote upstream repository that will be synced with the fork:

    git remote add upstream
  6. Run the following command to create a branch for your changes:

    git checkout -b <how-to-branch-name>

Add content to your how-to guide

  1. Copy the integration_template in the templates folder.

  2. Rename the integration_template using underscores as delimiters. For example, use_great_expectations_with_airflow. It's not necessary to include integration in the filename. Keep your integration guide in the templates folder.

  3. Add content to your integration guide using the instructions provided in the template.

Submit a pull request

  1. Push your changes to the remote fork of your repository.

  2. Create a pull request (PR) from your fork. See Creating a pull request from a fork.

  3. Add a meaningful title and description for your PR. The description should include the purpose of your integration. Add the [INTEGRATE] identifier to the PR title. For example, [INTEGRATE] Great Expectations with Snowflake.

  4. If this is your first Great Expectations contribution, you'll be prompted to complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA). Complete the CLA and add @cla-bot check as a comment to the PR to indicate that you’ve completed it.

  5. Wait for the Continuous Integration (CI) checks to complete and then correct any syntax or formatting issues.

    A Great Expectations team member reviews, approves, and merges your PR. Depending on your GitHub notification settings, you'll be notified when there are comments, your input is required, or when your changes are successfully merged.