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Version: 0.18.17


class great_expectations.render.RenderedStringTemplateContent(string_template: dict, styling: Optional[dict] = None, content_block_type: str = 'string_template')#

RenderedStringTemplateContent is RenderedComponentContent that represents a templated string.

  • string_template – A dictionary containing: template: The string to perform substitution on. Variables are denoted with a preceeding $. params: A dictionary with keys that match variable names and values which will be substituted. styling: A dictionary containing styling information.

  • styling – A dictionary containing styling information.

  • content_block_type – The type of content block.

to_json_dict() dict[str, typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, ForwardRef('JSONValues')], typing.List[ForwardRef('JSONValues')], str, int, float, bool, NoneType]], typing.List[typing.Union[typing.Dict[str, ForwardRef('JSONValues')], typing.List[ForwardRef('JSONValues')], str, int, float, bool, NoneType]], str, int, float, bool, NoneType]]#

Returns a JSON-serializable dict representation of this RenderedStringTemplateContent.


A JSON-serializable dict representation of this RenderedStringTemplateContent.