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Version: 1.3.10

Manage Expectations

An Expectation is a verifiable assertion about your data. They make implicit assumptions about your data explicit, and they provide a flexible, declarative language for describing expected behavior. They can help you better understand your data and help you improve data quality.


Available Expectations

The following table lists the available GX Cloud Expectations.

Data quality issueExpectationDescriptionDynamic Parameters?
Completenesscolumn values to be nullExpect the column values to be null.Yes
Completenesscolumn values to not be nullExpect the column values to not be null.Yes
Numericcolumn max to be betweenExpect the column maximum to be between a minimum and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn mean to be betweenExpect the column mean to be between a minimum and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn median to be betweenExpect the column median to be between a minimum and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn min to be betweenExpect the column minimum to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn pair values A to be greater than BExpect the values in column A to be greater than column B.No
Numericcolumn stdev to be betweenExpect the column standard deviation to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn sum to be betweenExpect the column sum to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.Yes
Numericcolumn values to be betweenExpect the column entries to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.No
Numericcolumn z scores to be less thanExpect the Z-scores of a column's values to be less than a given threshold.No
Numericmulticolumn sum to equalExpect that the sum of row values in a specified column list is the same for each row, and equal to a specified sum total.No
Schemacolumn to existChecks for the existence of a specified column within a table.No
Schemacolumn values to be in type listExpect a column to contain values from a specified type list.No
Schemacolumn values to be of typeExpect a column to contain values of a specified data type.No
Schematable column count to be betweenExpect the number of columns in a table to be between two values.Yes
Schematable column count to equalExpect the number of columns in a table to equal a value.No
Schematable columns to match ordered listExpect the columns in a table to exactly match a specified list.No
Schematable columns to match setExpect the columns in a table to match an unordered set.No
Uniquenesscolumn distinct values to be in setExpect the set of distinct column values to be contained by a given set.No
Uniquenesscolumn distinct values to contain setExpect the set of distinct column values to contain a given set.No
Uniquenesscolumn distinct values to equal setExpect the set of distinct column values to equal a given set.No
Uniquenesscolumn proportion of unique values to be betweenExpect the proportion of unique values to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.Yes
Uniquenesscolumn unique value count to be betweenExpect the number of unique values to be between a minimum value and a maximum value.Yes
Uniquenesscolumn values to be uniqueExpect each column value to be unique.No
Uniquenesscompound columns to be uniqueExpect the compound columns to be unique.No
Uniquenessselect column values to be unique within recordExpect the values for each record to be unique across the columns listed. Note that records can be duplicated.No
Validitycolumn most common value to be in setExpect the most common value to be within the designated value set.No
Validitycolumn pair values to be equalExpect the values in column A to be the same as column B.No
Validitycolumn value lengths to be betweenExpect the column entries to be strings with length between a minimum value and a maximum value.No
Validitycolumn value lengths to equalExpect the column entries to be strings with length equal to the provided value.No
Validitycolumn values to be in setExpect each column value to be in a given set.No
Validitycolumn values to not be in setExpect column entries to not be in the set.No
Validitycolumn values to match like patternExpect the column entries to be strings that match a given like pattern expression.No
Validitycolumn values to match like pattern listExpect the column entries to be strings that match any of a provided list of like pattern expressions.No
Validitycolumn values to match regexExpect the column entries to be strings that match a given regular expression.No
Validitycolumn values to match regex listExpect the column entries to be strings that can be matched to either any of or all of a list of regular expressions.No
Validitycolumn values to not match like patternExpect the column entries to be strings that do NOT match a given like pattern expression.No
Validitycolumn values to not match like pattern listExpect the column entries to be strings that do NOT match any of a provided list of like pattern expressions.No
Validitycolumn values to not match regexExpect the column entries to be strings that do NOT match a given regular expression.No
Validitycolumn values to not match regex listExpect the column entries to be strings that do not match any of a list of regular expressions. Matches can be anywhere in the string.No
Volumetable row count to be betweenExpect the number of rows to be between two values.Yes
Volumetable row count to equalExpect the number of rows to equal a value.No
Volumetable row count to equal other tableExpect the number of rows to equal the number in another table within the same database.No

Custom SQL Expectations

GX Cloud also offers the ability to write a custom Expectation using SQL. It is designed to fail validation if the provided SQL query returns one or more rows.

The provided query should be written in the dialect of the Data Source in which a given Data Asset lives.

Optional {batch} named query

The optional {batch} named query references the Batch of data under test. When the Expectation is evaluated, the {batch} named query will be replaced with the Batch of data that is validated.

Dynamic Parameters

Dynamic Parameters allow you to create Expectations whose parameters update based on new data. GX Cloud can populate new Expectation parameters at runtime using the last n validation results. For example, you can define an Expectation to validate that the maximum value within a column does not exceed 20% above a previously recorded value.

You will be able to input:

  1. Sensitivity: X% of the average of previous values

  2. Constraint: Above, below, or above and below for the sensitivity threshold

  3. Run count: n previous validation results

When you select your n run count, and:

  • There are 0 previous runs, the Expectation will always succeed.

  • There are <n runs, the Expectation will take all previous runs into account.

  • There are n runs, the Expectation will take the last n runs into account.

  • There are >n runs, the Expectation will take the last n runs into account.

Expectation condition

The Expectation condition is an optional field that applies to any Expectation validating row-level data. This condition allows you to filter your data so that only a specific subset of your Batch is validated. Rows will be validated only when the condition is true.

You will need to select:

  1. A column to check the condition against.
  2. An operator that is used to compare the column against a parameter value.
  3. A parameter that will be compared against each row in the selected column.

To clear the Expectation condition, click the clear button located on the right-hand side of the condition field.

GX Cloud Expectation condition field

GX Cloud Expectation with condition

Add an Expectation

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets.

  2. In the Data Assets list, click the Data Asset name.

  3. Click New Expectation.

  4. Select a data quality issue to test for.

  5. Select an Expectation type.

  6. Complete the mandatory and optional fields for the Expectation. A recurring validation schedule will be applied automatically to your Expectation.

  7. Click Save or click Save & Add More and then repeat steps 4 through 7 to add additional Expectations.

  8. Optional. Run a Validation. See Run a Validation.

Automate rules for common data quality issues

When you create a new Data Asset, you can choose to automatically generate Expectations that detect column changes and non-increasing volume in that Data Asset.

Generate Expectations with ExpectAI Beta

To accelerate test coverage, you can use ExpectAI to generate recommended Expectations for a Data Asset. These will be personalized based on an analysis of a sample of your data.

Keep the following requirements and limitations in mind when working with ExpectAI:

To add AI-recommended Expectations:

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets.
  2. In the Data Assets list, click the Data Asset name.
  3. Click Generate Expectations.
  4. Optional. Run a Validation. See Run a Validation.
  5. Optional. Edit or delete AI-generated Expectations based on the insights you get from running a Validation and your data quality needs.

Optional. Define a Batch

If your Data Asset has at least one DATE or DATETIME column, you can define a Batch to validate your data incrementally.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets.

  2. In the Data Assets list, click the Data Asset name.

  3. Click Define batch.

  4. Choose how to Validate by. Select the Entire Asset tab to provide all Data Asset records to your Expectations and validations, or select one of the Year/Month/Day tabs to use subsets of Data Asset records for your Expectations and validations. Year partitions Data Asset records by year, Month partitions Data Asset records by year and month, Day partitions Data Asset records by year, month, and day.

  5. Select the Batch column that contains the DATE or DATETIME data to partition on.

Edit an Expectation

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets.

  2. In the Data Assets list, click the Data Asset name.

  3. Click Edit Expectation for the Expectation that you want to edit.

  4. Edit the Expectation configuration.

  5. Click Save.

Delete an Expectation

  1. In GX Cloud, click Data Assets.

  2. In the Data Assets list, click the Data Asset name.

  3. Click Delete Expectation for the Expectation you want to delete.

  4. Click Yes, delete Expectation.

GX-managed vs. API-managed Expectations

In GX Cloud, Expectations can be GX-managed or API-managed.

  • GX-managed Expectations are created through the GX Cloud UI.
  • API-managed Expectations are created with the API in a GX Cloud Data Context.

If you have both kinds of Expectations, they will be organized in separate tables on the Expectations tab as they have different capabilities in the Cloud UI.

Here is a comparison of key characteristics of GX-managed and API-managed Expectations.

CharacteristicGX-managed ExpectationAPI-managed Expectation
EditEdit parameters with the GX Cloud UIEdit parameters with the API or the GX Cloud UI
BatchDefine a Batch in the Cloud UIDefine a Batch with the API when connecting to SQL, filesystem, or dataframe data
ValidateRun a Validation through the Cloud UI or run a Checkpoint with the APICreate a Validation Definition and run it with the API
Validation ResultsAccess results in the Validations tab of the Cloud UIAccess results with the API or in the Validations tab of the Cloud UI
ScheduleKeep default schedule or edit schedule in the Cloud UINot supported, use an orchestrator to control recurring validations
Expectation SuiteAutomatically organized in a hidden default Expectation SuiteManually grouped into custom Expectation Suites via the API
DeleteDelete Expectation with the Cloud UIDelete Expectation with the API or the Cloud UI
Hidden resources for GX-managed Expectations

To support GX-managed Expectations, we create resources that you typically won't directly interact with. For example, we create a GX-managed Expectation Suite that we use to organize your Expectations. For some workflows you may need to work with these hidden resources, for example, you may need to find the name of an automatically created Checkpoint. But, typically you can ignore the existence of these hidden resources.