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Version: 1.3.10

Manage users and access tokens

With Admin permissions, you can add users, edit organization roles, and delete users. You can also manage user and organization access tokens.

Want to configure SSO?

SSO is available on the Enterprise plan. Contact sales to upgrade to Enterprise.

Roles and responsibilities

The following table lists GX Cloud roles and responsibilities.

ViewerView Validation Results
EditorCreate Data Assets
Create and edit Expectations
Create access tokens
AdminFull access
Perform all GX Cloud administrative functions including user and role assignment

Invite a user

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Users.

  2. Click Invite User and complete the following fields:

    • Email - Enter the user's email address.

    • Organization Role - Select Viewer, Editor, or Admin. Viewers can view Validation Results, Editors can create and edit Expectations and can create access tokens, and Admins can perform all GX Cloud administrative functions.

  3. Click Invite.

    An email invitation is sent to the user.

Edit a user role

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Users.

  2. Click the options menu for a user and select Edit.

  3. Select an organization role and then click Update User.

Delete a user

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Users.

  2. Click the options menu for a user and select Delete.

  3. Click Yes, Remove This User.

Create a user access token

You'll need your user access token and organization ID when you set your environment variables.

Access tokens shouldn't be committed to version control software.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Tokens.

  2. In the User access tokens pane, click Create user access token.

  3. In the Token name field, enter a name for the token that will help you quickly identify it.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Copy, paste, and then save the user access token as a text file or similar. The token can't be retrieved after you close the dialog.

  6. Click Close.

Create an organization access token

Organization access tokens are typically required for external application authentication. These external applications complete tasks such as scheduled pipeline runs on behalf of your organization.

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Tokens.

  2. In the Organization access tokens pane, click Create organization access token.

  3. In the Token name field, enter a name for the token that will help you quickly identify it.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Copy, paste, and then save the organization access token as a text file or similar. The token can't be retrieved after you close the dialog.

  6. Click Close.

Delete a user or organization access token

  1. In GX Cloud, click Settings > Tokens.

  2. In the User access tokens or Organization access tokens panes, click Delete Token.

  3. Click Delete.