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Version: 1.3.7

Create a custom Action

Great Expectations provides Actions for common workflows such as sending emails and updating Data Docs. If these don't meet your needs, you can create a custom Action to integrate with different tools or apply custom business logic based on Validation Results. Example use cases for custom Actions include:

  • Opening tickets in an issue tracker when Validation runs fail.
  • Triggering different webhooks depending on which Expectations fail.
  • Running follow-up ETL jobs to fill in missing values.

A custom Action can do anything that can be done with Python code.

To create a custom Action, you subclass the ValidationAction class, overriding the type attribute with a unique name and the run() method with custom logic.



  1. Create a new custom Action class that inherits the ValidationAction class.

    class MyCustomAction(ValidationAction):
  2. Set a unique name for type.

    type: Literal["my_custom_action"] = "my_custom_action"
  3. Override the run() method with the logic for the Action.

    def run(
    checkpoint_result: CheckpointResult,
    action_context: ActionContext, # Contains results from prior Actions in the same Checkpoint run.
    ) -> dict:
    # Domain-specific logic
    # Return information about the Action
    return {"some": "info"}

    def _do_my_custom_action(self, checkpoint_result: CheckpointResult):
    # Perform custom logic based on the validation results.

Now you can use your custom Action like you would any built-in Action. Create a Checkpoint with Actions to start automating responses to Validation Results.