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Version: 0.18.17

Use Great Expectations with Amazon Web Services using S3 and Pandas

Great Expectations can work within many frameworks. In this guide you will be shown a workflow for using Great Expectations with AWS and cloud storage. You will configure a local Great Expectations project to store Expectations, Validation Results, and Data Docs in Amazon S3 buckets. You will further configure Great Expectations to use Pandas and access data stored in another Amazon S3 bucket.

This guide will demonstrate each of the steps necessary to go from installing a new instance of Great Expectations to Validating your data for the first time and viewing your Validation Results as Data Docs.



    Part 1: Setup

    1.1 Ensure that the AWS CLI is ready for use

    1.1.1 Verify that the AWS CLI is installed

    Run the following code to verify that the AWS CLI is installed:

    Terminal command
    aws --version

    If this code does not return the AWS CLI version information, you may need to install the AWS CLI or troubleshoot your current installation. See Install or update the latest version of the AWS CLI

    1.1.2 Verify that your AWS credentials are properly configured

    Run the following command in the AWS CLI to verify that your AWS credentials are properly configured:

    Terminal command
    aws sts get-caller-identity

    When your credentials are properly configured, your UserId, Account, and Arn are returned. If your credentials are not configured correctly, an error message appears. If you received an error message, or you couldn't verify your credentials, see Configuring the AWS CLI.

    1.2 Prepare a local installation of Great Expectations

    1.2.1 Verify that your Python version meets requirements

    Run the following code to check what version of Python is currently installed:

    Terminal command
    python --version

    Great Expectations supports Python versions 3.8 to 3.11. If a Python 3 version number is not returned, run the following code:

    Terminal command
    python3 --version

    If you do not have Python 3 installed, go to for the current downloads and installation guidance.

    1.2.2 Create a virtual environment for your Great Expectations project

    After you have confirmed that Python 3 is installed locally, you can create a virtual environment with venv before installing your packages with pip. The following examples use venv for virtual environments because it is included with Python 3. You can use alternate tools such as virtualenv and pyenv to install GX in virtual environments.

    Run one of the following code blocks to create your virtual environment:

    Terminal command
    python -m venv my_venv


    Terminal command
    python3 -m venv my_venv

    A new directory named my_venv is created in your virtual environment.

    Run the following code to activate the virtual environment:

    Terminal command
    source my_venv/bin/activate

    To change the name of your virtual environment, replace my_venv in the example code.

    1.2.3 Ensure you have the latest version of pip

    After you've activated your virtual environment, you should ensure that you have the latest version of pip installed. Pip is a tool that is used to easily install Python packages.

    Run the following code to ensure that you have the latest version of pip installed:

    Terminal command
    python -m ensurepip --upgrade


    Terminal command
    python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

    1.2.4 Install boto3

    Python interacts with AWS through the boto3 library. Great Expectations makes use of this library in the background when working with AWS. Although you won't use boto3 directly, you'll need to install it in your virtual environment.

    Run one of the following pip commands to install boto3 in your virtual environment:

    Terminal command
    python -m pip install boto3


    Terminal command
    python3 -m pip install boto3

    To set up boto3 with AWS, and use boto3 within Python, see the Boto3 documentation.

    1.2.5 Install Great Expectations

    Run one of the following code blocks to use pip to install Great Expectations:

    Terminal command
    python -m pip install great_expectations


    Terminal command
    python3 -m pip install great_expectations

    1.2.6 Verify that Great Expectations installed successfully

    Run the following code to confirm the GX installation is working:

    Terminal command
    great_expectations --version

    Version information similar to the following is returned:

    Terminal output
    great_expectations, version 0.18.9

    1.3 Create your Data Context

    The simplest way to create a new Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components. is by using the create() method.

    From a Notebook or script where you want to deploy Great Expectations run the following command. Here the full_path_to_project_directory can be an empty directory where you intend to build your Great Expectations configuration.:

    import great_expectations as gx

    context = gx.data_context.FileDataContext.create(full_path_to_project_directory)

    1.4 Configure your Expectations Store on Amazon S3

    1.4.1 Identify your Data Context Expectations Store

    Your Expectation StoreA connector to store and retrieve information about collections of verifiable assertions about data. configuration is in your Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components..

    The following section in your Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components. great_expectations.yml file tells Great Expectations to look for Expectations in a Store named expectations_store:

    class_name: ExpectationsStore
    class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
    base_directory: expectations/

    expectations_store_name: expectations_store

    The default base_directory for expectations_store is expectations/.

    1.4.2 Update your configuration file to include a new Store for Expectations on Amazon S3

    To manually add an Expectations StoreA connector to store and retrieve information about collections of verifiable assertions about data. to your configuration, add the following configuration to the stores section of your great_expectations.yml file:

    class_name: ExpectationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your>'
    prefix: '<your>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores

    expectations_store_name: expectations_S3_store

    Change the default store_backend settings to make the Store work with S3. The class_name is set to TupleS3StoreBackend, bucket is the address of your S3 bucket, and prefix is the folder in your S3 bucket where Expectations are located.

    The following example shows the additional options that are available to customize TupleS3StoreBackend:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ExpectationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores
    endpoint_url: ${S3_ENDPOINT} # Uses the S3_ENDPOINT environment variable to determine which endpoint to use.
    region_name: '<your_aws_region_name>'

    In the previous example, the Store name is expectations_S3_store. If you use a personalized Store name, you must also update the value of the expectations_store_name key to match the Store name. For example:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    expectations_store_name: expectations_S3_store

    When you update the expectations_store_name key value, Great Expectations uses the new Store for Validation Results.

    Add the following code to great_expectations.yml to configure the IAM user:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ExpectationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'
    aws_access_key_id: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} # Uses the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable to get aws_access_key_id.
    aws_secret_access_key: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
    aws_session_token: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}

    Add the following code to great_expectations.yml to configure the IAM Assume Role:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ExpectationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores
    assume_role_arn: '<your_role_to_assume>'
    region_name: '<your_aws_region_name>'
    assume_role_duration: session_duration_in_seconds

    If you're storing Validations in S3 or DataDocs in S3, make sure that the prefix values are disjoint and one is not a substring of the other.

    1.4.3 (Optional) Copy existing Expectation JSON files to the Amazon S3 bucket

    If you are converting an existing local Great Expectations deployment to one that works in AWS, you might have Expectations saved that you want to transfer to your S3 bucket.

    Run the following aws s3 synccommand to copy Expectations into Amazon S3:

    Terminal command
    aws s3 sync '<base_directory>' s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'

    The base_directory is set to expectations/ by default.

    In the following example, the Expectations exp1 and exp2 are copied to Amazon S3 and a confirmation message is returned:

    Terminal output
    upload: ./exp1.json to s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'/exp1.json
    upload: ./exp2.json to s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'/exp2.json

    1.5 Configure your Validation Results Store on Amazon S3

    1.5.1 Identify your Data Context's Validation Results Store

    Your Validation Results StoreA connector to store and retrieve information about objects generated when data is Validated against an Expectation Suite. configuration is in your Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components..

    The following section in your Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components. great_expectations.yml file tells Great Expectations to look for Validation Results in a Store named validations_store. It also creates a ValidationsStore named validations_store that is backed by a Filesystem and stores Validation Results under the base_directory uncommitted/validations (the default).

    class_name: ValidationsStore
    class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
    base_directory: uncommitted/validations/

    validations_store_name: validations_store

    1.5.2 Update your configuration file to include a new Store for Validation Results on Amazon S3

    To manually add a Validation Results Store, add the following configuration to the stores section of your great_expectations.yml file:

    class_name: ValidationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your>'
    prefix: '<your>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores

    As shown in the previous example, you need to change the default store_backend settings to make the Store work with S3. The class_name is set to TupleS3StoreBackend, bucket is the address of your S3 bucket, and prefix is the folder in your S3 bucket where Validation Results are located.

    The following example shows the additional options that are available to customize TupleS3StoreBackend:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ValidationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores
    endpoint_url: ${S3_ENDPOINT} # Uses the S3_ENDPOINT environment variable to determine which endpoint to use.
    region_name: '<your_aws_region_name>'

    In the previous example, the Store name is validations_S3_store. If you use a personalized Store name, you must also update the value of the validations_store_name key to match the Store name. For example:

    validations_store_name: validations_S3_store

    When you update the validations_store_name key value, Great Expectations uses the new Store for Validation Results.

    Add the following code to great_expectations.yml to configure the IAM user:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ValidationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores
    aws_access_key_id: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID} # Uses the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable to get aws_access_key_id.
    aws_secret_access_key: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
    aws_session_token: ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}

    Add the following code to great_expectations.yml to configure the IAM Assume Role:

    File contents: great_expectations.yml
    class_name: ValidationsStore
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your_s3_bucket_name>'
    prefix: '<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>' # Bucket and prefix in combination must be unique across all stores
    assume_role_arn: '<your_role_to_assume>'
    region_name: '<your_aws_region_name>'
    assume_role_duration: session_duration_in_seconds

    If you are also storing ExpectationsA verifiable assertion about data. in S3 How to configure an Expectation store to use Amazon S3, or DataDocs in S3 How to host and share Data Docs, then make sure the prefix values are disjoint and one is not a substring of the other.

    1.5.3 (Optional) Copy existing Validation results to the Amazon S3 bucket

    If you are converting an existing local Great Expectations deployment to one that works in AWS, you might have Validation Results saved that you want to transfer to your S3 bucket.

    To copy Validation Results into Amazon S3, use the aws s3 sync command as shown in the following example:

    Terminal input
    aws s3 sync '<base_directory>' s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'

    The base_directory is set to uncommitted/validations/ by default.

    In the following example, the Validation Results Validation1 and Validation2 are copied to Amazon S3 and a confirmation message is returned:

    Terminal output
    upload: uncommitted/validations/val1/val1.json to s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'/val1.json
    upload: uncommitted/validations/val2/val2.json to s3://'<your_s3_bucket_name>'/'<your_s3_bucket_folder_name>'/val2.json

    1.6 Configure Data Docs for hosting and sharing from Amazon S3

    1.6.1 Create an Amazon S3 bucket for your Data Docs

    In the AWS CLI, run the following command to create an S3 bucket configured for a specific location. Modify the bucket name and region for your environment.

    Terminal input
    > aws s3api create-bucket --bucket data-docs.my_org --region us-east-1
    "Location": "/data-docs.my_org"

    1.6.2 Configure your bucket policy to enable appropriate access

    The example policy below enforces IP-based access. Modify the bucket name and IP addresses for your environment. After you have customized the example policy to suit your situation, name the file ip-policy.json and save it in your local directory.


    Your policy should limit access to authorized users. Data Docs sites can include sensitive information and should not be publicly accessible.

    File content: ip-policy.json
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [{
    "Sid": "Allow only based on source IP",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Principal": "*",
    "Action": "s3:GetObject",
    "Resource": [
    "Condition": {
    "IpAddress": {
    "aws:SourceIp": [

    Because Data Docs include multiple generated pages, it is important to include the arn:aws:s3:::{your_data_docs_site}/* path in the Resource list along with the arn:aws:s3:::{your_data_docs_site} path that permits access to your Data Docs' front page.


    Amazon Web Service's S3 buckets are a third party utility. For more information about configuring AWS S3 bucket policies, see Using bucket policies.

    1.6.3 Apply the access policy to your Data Docs' Amazon S3 bucket

    Run the following AWS CLI command to apply the policy:

    Terminal input
    > aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket data-docs.my_org --policy file://ip-policy.json

    1.6.4 Add a new Amazon S3 site to the data_docs_sites section of your great_expectations.yml

    The following example shows the default local_site configuration that you will find in your great_expectations.yml file, followed by the s3_site configuration that you will need to add. To maintain a single S3 Data Docs site, remove the default local_site configuration and replace it with the new s3_site configuration.

    class_name: SiteBuilder
    show_how_to_buttons: true
    class_name: TupleFilesystemStoreBackend
    base_directory: uncommitted/data_docs/local_site/
    class_name: DefaultSiteIndexBuilder
    S3_site: # this is a user-selected name - you may select your own
    class_name: SiteBuilder
    class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
    bucket: '<your>'
    class_name: DefaultSiteIndexBuilder

    1.6.5 Test that your Data Docs configuration is correct by building the site

    Run the following code to build and open your newly configured S3 Data Docs site:


    Additional notes on hosting Data Docs from an Amazon S3 bucket

    • Run the following code to update static hosting settings for your bucket to enable AWS to automatically serve your index.html file or a custom error file:

      Terminal input
      > aws s3 website s3://data-docs.my_org/ --index-document index.html
    • To host a Data Docs site in a subfolder of an S3 bucket, add the prefix property to the configuration snippet immediately after the bucket property.

    • To host a Data Docs site through a private DNS, you can configure a base_public_path for the Data Docs StoreA connector to store and retrieve information pertaining to Human readable documentation generated from Great Expectations metadata detailing Expectations, Validation Results, etc.. The following example will configure a S3 site with the base_public_path set to Data Docs will still be written to the configured location on S3 (for example, but you can access the pages from your DNS ( in our example)

      s3_site: # this is a user-selected name - you may select your own
      class_name: SiteBuilder
      class_name: TupleS3StoreBackend
      bucket: data-docs.my_org # UPDATE the bucket name here to match the bucket you configured above.
      class_name: DefaultSiteIndexBuilder
      show_cta_footer: true

    Part 2: Connect to data

    2.1 Instantiate your project's DataContext

    The simplest way to create a new Data ContextThe primary entry point for a Great Expectations deployment, with configurations and methods for all supporting components. is by using the create() method.

    From a Notebook or script where you want to deploy Great Expectations run the following command. Here the full_path_to_project_directory can be an empty directory where you intend to build your Great Expectations configuration.:

    import great_expectations as gx

    context = gx.data_context.FileDataContext.create(full_path_to_project_directory)

    If you have already instantiated your DataContext in a previous step, this step can be skipped.

    2.2 Add Data Source to your DataContext

    Using this example configuration, add in your S3 bucket and path to a directory that contains some of your data:

    datasource = context.sources.add_or_update_pandas_s3(
    name="s3_datasource", bucket="taxi-data-sample-test"

    In the example, we have added a Data Source that connects to data in S3 using a Pandas dataframe. The name of the new Data Source is s3_datasource and it refers to a S3 bucket named taxi-data-sample-test.

    2.2 Add CSV Asset to your Data Source

    Add a CSV Asset into your Data Source by using the add_csv_asset function.

    asset = datasource.add_csv_asset(

    Here we have added a Asset named csv_taxi_s3_asset using the add_csv_asset function. The batching_regex is a regular expression that indicates which files to treat as Batches in the Asset, and how to identify them.

    In our example, the pattern r".*_(?P<year>\d{4})\.csv", is intended to build a Batch for each file in the S3 bucket, which are:


    The batching_regex pattern will match the 4 digits of the year portion and assign it to the year domain.

    2.3 Test your new Data Source

    Verify your new Data SourceProvides a standard API for accessing and interacting with data from a wide variety of source systems. by loading data from it into a ValidatorUsed to run an Expectation Suite against data. using a Batch RequestProvided to a Data Source in order to create a Batch..

    We will use the BatchRequest configured in the previous step.

    validator = context.get_validator(
    batch_request=request, expectation_suite_name="test_suite"


    Part 3: Create Expectations

    3.1: Prepare a Batch Request, empty Expectation Suite, and Validator

    When we tested our Data Source in step 2.3: Test your new Data Source we also created all of the components we need to begin creating Expectations: A Batch Request to provide sample data we can test our new Expectations against, an empty Expectation Suite to contain our new Expectations, and a Validator to create those Expectations with.

    We can reuse those components now. Alternatively, you may follow the same process that we did before and define a new Batch Request, Expectation Suite, and Validator if you wish to use a different Batch of data as the reference sample when you are creating Expectations or if you wish to use a different name than test_suite for your Expectation Suite.

    3.2: Use a Validator to add Expectations to the Expectation Suite

    There are many Expectations available for you to use. To demonstrate the creation of an Expectation through the use of the Validator you defined earlier, here are examples of the process for two of them:

    column="congestion_surcharge", min_value=0, max_value=1000

    Each time you evaluate an Expectation with validator.expect_*, the Expectation is immediately Validated against your provided Batch of data. This instant feedback helps you identify unexpected data quickly. The Expectation configuration is stored in the Expectation Suite you provided when the Validator was initialized.

    To find out more about the available Expectations, see the Expectations Gallery.

    3.3: Save the Expectation Suite

    When you have run all of the Expectations you want for this dataset, you can call validator.save_expectation_suite() to save the Expectation Suite (all of the unique Expectation Configurations from each run of validator.expect_*)for later use in a Checkpoint.


    Part 4: Validate Data

    4.1: Create and run a Checkpoint

    To validate and run post-validation ActionsA Python class with a run method that takes a Validation Result and does something with it, you create and store a CheckpointThe primary means for validating data in a production deployment of Great Expectations. for your Batch.

    Checkpoints can be preconfigured with a Batch Request and Expectation Suite, or they can take them in as parameters at runtime. They can also execute numerous Actions based on the Validation Results that are returned when Checkpoint runs.


    To preconfigure a Checkpoint with a Batch Request and Expectation Suite, see Manage Checkpoints

    4.1.1 Create a Checkpoint

    Run the following code to create the Checkpoint:

    checkpoint = context.add_or_update_checkpoint(
    validations=[{"batch_request": request, "expectation_suite_name": "test_suite"}],

    The Checkpoint you created is named my_checkpoint. It includes a Validation using the BatchRequest you created earlier, and an ExpectationSuite containing two Expectations, test_suite.

    4.1.2 Run the Checkpoint

    Run the following code to run the Checkpoint:

    checkpoint_result =

    4.2: Build and view Data Docs

    The Checkpoint contains UpdateDataDocsAction which renders the Data DocsHuman readable documentation generated from Great Expectations metadata detailing Expectations, Validation Results, etc. from the generated Validation Results. The Data Docs store contains a new entry for the rendered Validation Result.


    For more information on Actions that Checkpoints can perform and how to add them, see Configure Actions.

    Run the following code to view the new entry for the rendered Validation Result:



    🚀🚀 Congratulations! 🚀🚀 You have successfully navigated the entire workflow for using Great Expectations with Amazon Web Services S3 and Pandas, from installing Great Expectations through Validating your Data.