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Version: 1.0.4


class great_expectations.data_context.data_context_variables.DataContextVariables(config: DataContextConfig, config_provider: _ConfigurationProvider, _store: Optional[DataContextStore] = None)#

Wrapper object around data context variables set in the great_expectations.yml config file.

Child classes should instantiate their own stores to ensure that changes made to this object are persisted for future usage (i.e. filesystem I/O or HTTP request to a Cloud endpoint).

Should maintain parity with the DataContextConfig.

  • config – A reference to the DataContextConfig to perform CRUD on.

  • config_provider – Responsible for determining config values and substituting them in GET calls.

  • _store – An instance of a DataContextStore with the appropriate backend to persist config changes.

save() Any#

Persist any changes made to variables utilizing the configured Store.