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Version: 1.3.2


class great_expectations.datasource.fluent.data_asset.path.directory_asset.DirectoryDataAsset(*, name: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd856544320>, type: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd8565443e0>, id: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd8565444a0> = None, order_by: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd856544560> = None, batch_metadata: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd8565446b0> = None, batch_definitions: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd856544860> = None, connect_options: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7fd856544920> = None, data_directory: pathlib.Path, **extra_data: typing.Any)#

Base class for PathDataAssets which batch by combining the contents of a directory.


add_batch_definition_daily(name: str, column: str) BatchDefinition#

Add a BatchDefinition, which creates a single Batch for each day in the directory.

  • name – Name of the Batch Definition.

  • column – Column to partition on.


A BatchDefinition that is partitioned daily.

add_batch_definition_monthly(name: str, column: str) BatchDefinition#

Add a BatchDefinition which creates a single batch for each month in the directory.

  • name – Name of the Batch Definition.

  • column – Column to partition on.


A BatchDefinition that is partitioned monthly.

add_batch_definition_whole_directory(name: str) BatchDefinition#

Add a BatchDefinition which creates a single batch for the entire directory.

add_batch_definition_yearly(name: str, column: str) BatchDefinition#

Add a BatchDefinition which creates a single batch for each year in the directory.

  • name – Name of the Batch Definition.

  • column – Column to partition on.


A BatchDefinition that is partitioned yearly.

delete_batch_definition(name: str) None#

Delete a batch definition.


name (str) – Name of the BatchDefinition to delete.

get_batch_definition(name: str) great_expectations.core.batch_definition.BatchDefinition#

Get a batch definition.


name (str) – Name of the BatchDefinition to get.


KeyError – If the BatchDefinition does not exist.