Base class for PathDataAssets which batch by applying a regex to file names.
Add a BatchDefinition which defines daily batches by file name.
- Parameters
name – BatchDefinition name
regex – Regular Expression used to define batches by file name. Must contain the groups year, month, and day.
sort_ascending – determine order in which batches are returned
- Raises
RegexMissingRequiredGroupsError – regex is missing the groups year, month, and/or day.
RegexUnknownGroupsError – regex has groups other than year, month, and/or day.
Add a BatchDefinition which defines monthly batches by file name.
- Parameters
name – BatchDefinition name
regex – Regular Expression used to define batches by file name. Must contain the groups year and month.
sort_ascending – determine order in which batches are returned
- Raises
RegexMissingRequiredGroupsError – regex is missing the groups year and/or month.
RegexUnknownGroupsError – regex has groups other than year and/or month.
Add a BatchDefinition which matches a single Path.
- Parameters
name – BatchDefinition name
path – File path relative to the Asset
- Raises
PathNotFoundError – path cannot be resolved
AmbiguousPathError – path matches more than one file
Add a BatchDefinition which defines yearly batches by file name.
- Parameters
name – BatchDefinition name
regex – Regular Expression used to define batches by file name. Must contain a single group year
sort_ascending – determine order in which batches are returned
- Raises
RegexMissingRequiredGroupsError – regex is missing the group year
RegexUnknownGroupsError – regex has groups other than year
Delete a batch definition.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the BatchDefinition to delete.
Get a batch definition.
- Parameters
name (str) – Name of the BatchDefinition to get.
- Raises
KeyError – If the BatchDefinition does not exist.
class great_expectations.datasource.fluent.data_asset.path.file_asset.FileDataAsset(*, name: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b8500>, type: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b85c0>, id: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b8680> = None, order_by: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b8770> = None, batch_metadata: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b88f0> = None, batch_definitions: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b8aa0> = None, connect_options: <pydantic.v1.fields.DeferredType object at 0x7f08398b8b60> = None, **extra_data: typing.Any)
add_batch_definition_daily(name: str, regex: Union[re.Pattern, str], sort_ascending: bool = True) → BatchDefinition
add_batch_definition_monthly(name: str, regex: Union[re.Pattern, str], sort_ascending: bool = True) → BatchDefinition
add_batch_definition_path(name: str, path: PathStr) → BatchDefinition
add_batch_definition_yearly(name: str, regex: Union[re.Pattern, str], sort_ascending: bool = True) → BatchDefinition
delete_batch_definition(name: str) → None
get_batch_definition(name: str) → great_expectations.core.batch_definition.BatchDefinition